

2024年7月26日から29日オランダ アムステルダムにてプロツアーが開催されました。




1位 Bartosz Ziemba / Zen
2位 Shing Tsang / Nuu
3位 Tariq Patel / Nuu
4位 Pudding Tam / Zen
5位 Kevin Zänker / Levia
6位 Gabe Sher / Nuu
7位 Shoma Yamamura / Uzuri
8位 Tom Tydecks / Zen


Bartosz Ziemba
Class: Ninja
Hero: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Weapons: Tiger Taming Khakkara, Zephyr Needle,Zephyr Needle
Equipment: Arcane Lantern, Spell Fray Gloves, Spell Fray Tiara, Stride of Reprisal, Tide Flippers, Tiger Stripe Shuko, Traverse the Universe, Twelve Petal Kāṣāya

(3) Aspect of Tiger: Body (red)
(3) Bittering Thorns (red)
(1) Blanch (red)
(3) Bonds of Ancestry (red)
(3) Chase the Tail (red)
(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(2) Descendent Gustwave (red)
(1) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Hundred Winds (red)
(3) Mauling Qi (red)
(3) Spinning Wheel Kick (red)
(1) The Weakest Link (red)
(3) Tiger Swipe (red)
(3) Art of War (yellow)
(1) A Drop in the Ocean (blue)
(3) Ancestral Harmony (blue)
(3) Descendent Gustwave (blue)
(1) Homage to Ancestors (blue)
(3) Hundred Winds (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Orihon of Mystic Tenets (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(1) Predatory Streak (blue)
(1) Preserve Tradition (blue)
(1) Rising Sun, Setting Moon (blue)
(1) Sacred Art: Jade Tiger Domain (blue)
(3) Snag (blue)
(1) Stir the Pot (blue)
(1) The Grain that Tips the Scale (blue)
(3) This Round's on Me (blue)
(3) Warmonger's Diplomacy (blue)
(2) Wind Chakra (blue)
Shing Tsang
Class: Assassin
Hero: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Weapons: Beckoning Mistblade, Scale Peeler, Spider's Bite
Equipment: Arcane Lantern, Arousing Wave, Fyendal's Spring Tunic, Mask of Recurring Nightmares, Nullrune Hood, Nullrune Robe, Undertow Stilettos, Vambrace of Determination

(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(1) Death Touch (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(1) Fate Foreseen (red)
(1) Gravekeeping (red)
(3) Hiss (red)
(3) Hurl (red)
(3) Just a Nick (red)
(3) Leave No Witnesses (red)
(2) Looking for a Scrap (red)
(2) Oasis Respite (red)
(1) Sigil of Solace (red)
(3) Sink Below (red)
(3) Siren's Call (red)
(3) The Weakest Link (red)
(1) Venomous Bite (red)
(3) Codex of Frailty (yellow)
(3) Art of Desire: Mind (blue)
(3) Bonds of Agony (blue)
(3) Bonds of Attraction (blue)
(1) Homage to Ancestors (blue)
(2) Infect (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(3) Persuasive Prognosis (blue)
(3) Pick to Pieces (blue)
(1) Preserve Tradition (blue)
(1) Rising Sun, Setting Moon (blue)
(1) Stir the Pot (blue)
(3) Surgical Extraction (blue)
(1) The Grain that Tips the Scale (blue)
Tariq Patel
Class: Assassin
Hero: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Weapons: Beckoning Mistblade, Scale Peeler, Spider's Bite
Equipment: Arcane Lantern, Arousing Wave, Fyendal's Spring Tunic, Mask of Recurring Nightmares, Nullrune Hood, Traverse the Universe, Undertow Stilettos, Vambrace of Determination

(3) Blanch (red)
(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Hiss (red)
(3) Just a Nick (red)
(3) Leave No Witnesses (red)
(3) Looking for a Scrap (red)
(2) Oasis Respite (red)
(3) Sink Below (red)
(3) Siren's Call (red)
(3) The Weakest Link (red)
(3) Venomous Bite (red)
(3) Codex of Frailty (yellow)
(3) Art of Desire: Mind (blue)
(3) Bonds of Agony (blue)
(3) Bonds of Attraction (blue)
(3) Double Trouble (blue)
(1) Homage to Ancestors (blue)
(2) Infect (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(3) Persuasive Prognosis (blue)
(2) Pick to Pieces (blue)
(1) Rising Sun, Setting Moon (blue)
(1) Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires (blue)
(3) Surgical Extraction (blue)
(1) The Grain that Tips the Scale (blue)
Pudding Tam
Class: Ninja
Hero: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Weapons: Tiger Taming Khakkara, Zephyr Needle,Zephyr Needle
Equipment: Arcane Lantern, Mask of the Pouncing Lynx, Nullrune Gloves, Stride of Reprisal, Tide Flippers, Tiger Stripe Shuko, Traverse the Universe, Twelve Petal Kāṣāya

(3) Aspect of Tiger: Body (red)
(3) Bonds of Ancestry (red)
(3) Chase the Tail (red)
(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(2) Descendent Gustwave (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Flic Flak (red)
(3) Hundred Winds (red)
(3) Mauling Qi (red)
(3) Spinning Wheel Kick (red)
(3) Tiger Swipe (red)
(3) Art of War (yellow)
(1) A Drop in the Ocean (blue)
(3) Ancestral Harmony (blue)
(3) Biting Breeze (blue)
(3) Descendent Gustwave (blue)
(1) Harmony of the Hunt (blue)
(1) Homage to Ancestors (blue)
(3) Hundred Winds (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Orihon of Mystic Tenets (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(1) Preserve Tradition (blue)
(1) Rising Sun, Setting Moon (blue)
(1) Sacred Art: Jade Tiger Domain (blue)
(3) Snag (blue)
(1) Stir the Pot (blue)
(1) The Grain that Tips the Scale (blue)
(1) Tiger Form Incantation (blue)
(3) Warmonger's Diplomacy (blue)
(1) Wind Chakra (blue)
Kevin Zänker
Class: Brute
Hero: Levia, Shadowborn Abomination
Weapons: Mandible Claw,Mandible Claw
Equipment: Apex Bonebreaker, Carrion Husk, Dance of Darkness, Gambler's Gloves, Grasp of Darkness, Savage Sash, Scabskin Leathers, Scowling Flesh Bag, Skullhorn, Spoiled Skull

(3) Boneyard Marauder (red)
(2) Command and Conquer (red)
(3) Dread Screamer (red)
(3) Endless Maw (red)
(2) Graveling Growl (red)
(1) Guardian of the Shadowrealm (red)
(2) Pulping (red)
(3) Shadowrealm Horror (red)
(3) Slithering Shadowpede (red)
(3) Swing Big (red)
(2) The Weakest Link (red)
(2) Agile Windup (yellow)
(3) Art of War (yellow)
(3) Beast Within (yellow)
(3) Bloodrush Bellow (yellow)
(3) Graveling Growl (yellow)
(1) Hungering Slaughterbeast (yellow)
(1) Mark of the Beast (yellow)
(2) Barraging Beatdown (blue)
(3) Clash of Agility (blue)
(1) Convulsions from the Bellows of Hell (blue)
(3) Deadwood Rumbler (blue)
(1) Diabolic Offering (blue)
(1) Doomsday (blue)
(3) Dread Screamer (blue)
(1) Eye of Ophidia (blue)
(2) Smashback Alehorn (blue)
(3) Snag (blue)
(1) Soul Harvest (blue)
(3) Wrecker Romp (blue)
Gabe Sher
Class: Assassin
Hero: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Weapons: Beckoning Mistblade, Scale Peeler
Equipment: Arousing Wave, Balance of Justice, Flick Knives, Fyendal's Spring Tunic, Traverse the Universe, Undertow Stilettos, Vambrace of Determination

(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Fate Foreseen (red)
(3) Hiss (red)
(3) Hurl (red)
(3) Just a Nick (red)
(3) Leave No Witnesses (red)
(3) Looking for a Scrap (red)
(3) Sigil of Solace (red)
(3) Sink Below (red)
(3) Siren's Call (red)
(3) The Weakest Link (red)
(3) Codex of Frailty (yellow)
(3) Eradicate (yellow)
(2) Annihilate the Armed (blue)
(3) Art of Desire: Mind (blue)
(3) Bonds of Agony (blue)
(3) Bonds of Attraction (blue)
(2) Cosmic Awakening (blue)
(3) Hold the Line (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(3) Persuasive Prognosis (blue)
(1) Preserve Tradition (blue)
(1) Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires (blue)
(3) Surgical Extraction (blue)
Shoma Yamamura
Class: Assassin
Hero: Uzuri, Switchblade
Weapons: Nerve Scalpel, Scale Peeler, Spider's Bite
Equipment: Balance of Justice, Blacktek Whisperers, Crown of Providence, Flick Knives, Fyendal's Spring Tunic, Vambrace of Determination

(3) Amnesia (red)
(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(3) Death Touch (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Fate Foreseen (red)
(3) Hurl (red)
(2) Inertia Trap (red)
(3) Infect (red)
(3) Just a Nick (red)
(3) Leave No Witnesses (red)
(3) Looking for a Scrap (red)
(3) Shake Down (red)
(3) Shred (red)
(3) Sink Below (red)
(3) The Weakest Link (red)
(3) Codex of Frailty (yellow)
(3) Isolate (yellow)
(3) Shred (yellow)
(3) Spreading Plague (yellow)
(3) Bonds of Agony (blue)
(3) Isolate (blue)
(3) Persuasive Prognosis (blue)
(3) Pick to Pieces (blue)
(3) Surgical Extraction (blue)
Tom Tydecks
Class: Ninja
Hero: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Weapons: Tiger Taming Khakkara, Zephyr Needle,Zephyr Needle
Equipment: Arcane Lantern, Spell Fray Gloves, Spell Fray Tiara, Stride of Reprisal, Tide Flippers, Tiger Stripe Shuko, Traverse the Universe, Twelve Petal Kāṣāya

(3) Aspect of Tiger: Body (red)
(3) Bonds of Ancestry (red)
(3) Chase the Tail (red)
(3) Command and Conquer (red)
(2) Descendent Gustwave (red)
(3) Enlightened Strike (red)
(3) Hundred Winds (red)
(3) Mauling Qi (red)
(3) Spinning Wheel Kick (red)
(3) The Weakest Link (red)
(3) Tiger Swipe (red)
(2) Wax On (red)
(3) Art of War (yellow)
(3) That All You Got? (yellow)
(1) A Drop in the Ocean (blue)
(3) Ancestral Harmony (blue)
(1) Biting Breeze (blue)
(3) Descendent Gustwave (blue)
(1) Homage to Ancestors (blue)
(3) Hundred Winds (blue)
(3) Levels of Enlightenment (blue)
(1) Pass Over (blue)
(1) Path Well Traveled (blue)
(1) Preserve Tradition (blue)
(1) Rising Sun, Setting Moon (blue)
(1) Sacred Art: Jade Tiger Domain (blue)
(1) Snag (blue)
(1) Stir the Pot (blue)
(1) The Grain that Tips the Scale (blue)
(3) This Round's on Me (blue)
(3) Wind Chakra (blue)


決勝は予選1位のBartosz Ziemba選手対予選7位のYamamura Shoma選手


日本選手権でも準優勝のYamamura Shoma選手!!!



